DNS Overview
- Domain Name System
- Method of resolving host-names to IP addresses
- IOS supports the following DNS features:
- DNS Authoritative Server
- DNS Client
- DNS Caching
- DNS Spoofing
- Traffic sent over port UDP 53
- Some traffic replied sent over port TCP 53
DNS Server
- Responds to DNS queries
- Hosts DNS mappings locally
- (config)#ip host <name> <IP address>
- Can forward on requests
- Command:
- (config)#ip name-server <dns IP>
- Enabled globally
DNS Client
- Enabled by default
- Sets DNS queries to broadcast if no DNS server configured
- To configure a DNS server
- Command:
- (config)#ip name-server <dns IP>
- To disable DNS client capability
- (config)#no ip domain-lookup
DNS Proxy
- Can proxy request from a client that local DNS server isn't able to answer
- Can cache request locally
- Command:
- (config)#ip name-server <dns IP>
- Can also proxy other protocols
- Command:
- (config)#ip forward-protocol <tcp | udp> <protocol>
DHCP Overview
- Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
- Method of dynamically assigning IP addresses to hosts
- IOS Supports the following DHCP functions:
- DHCP Server
- Assigns IP addresses
- Keeps database of address bindings
- DHCP Client
- Requests address allocation for interface from a DHCP server
- DHCP Relay
- Relays DHCP requests from clients to DHCP servers
- DHCP Proxy
- Requests IP addresses from servers on a hosts behalf
- PPPoE address requests
- IPIC request into DHCP
- Traffic sent to the DHCP Server is sent over port UDP 67
- Traffic sent from the DHCP Server to the client is sent over port UDP 68
DORA Process

- 1. Discover
- Broadcast from client to server
- Locates a DHCP server
- 2. Offer
- Unicast from server to client
- Offers configuration parameters such as
- IP address
- Default Gateway
- Domain Name
- Lease time
- Other DHCP options
- 3. Request
- Broadcast from client to server
- Sends a formal request for configuration parameters offered by DHCP server
- 4. Acknowledge
- Unicast from server to client
- Confirms information has been allocated to the client
- If the client receives multiple offers from different DHCP servers, it will accept the first offer it receives
- If configuration parameters missing from DHCP Offer message
- Client will send a DHCP DECLINE broadcast message to server
- Server will reply with a DHCP NAK broadcast message confirming configuration hasn't been allocated to client
DHCP Server
- Configure DHCP server using pools
- Each pool is selected based on the following:
- DHCP Client ID (Windows clients only)
- Hardware address (MAC) is missing Client ID
- Relaying gateway IP address
- Interface receiving reqest
- Each pool has a separate configuration parameters such as subnet address
- Commands:
- (config)#ip dhcp pool <dhcp-pool-name>
- (dhcp-config)#network <subnet> <mask>
- (dhcp-config)#default-router <gateway IP>
- (dhcp-config)#dns-server <dns server IP>
- (dhcp-config)#domain-name <domain-name>
- (dhcp-config)#lease <days> <hours> <minutes>
- Need to exclude the local gateway address from the pool of addresses
- Command:
- (config)#ip dhcp-excluded-address <start address> <end address>
- Can assign individual addresses through DHCP based on Client ID
- Client Command:
- (config-if)#ip address dhcp client-id <interface>
- Server Commands:
- (config)#ip dhcp pool <pool-name>
- (dhcp-config)#client-identifier <hardware address>
- (dhcp-config)#host <host address> <CIDR>
DHCP Client
- Used to request an address for an interface from a DHCP server
- Can also set the Client ID manually in the request
- Used by the server to determine different hosts
- Command:
- (config-if)#ip address dhcp [client-id <client-id>]
DHCP Relay
- DHCP broadcasts can be converted to unicasts and relayed across an IP network
- Uses DHCP Helper function of IOS
- Configured on client incoming broadcast interface
- When broadcast is relayed
- Relaying IOS device adds the "giaddr" field or gateway interface address
- Command:
- (config-if)#ip helper-address <DHCP server IP>

DHCP Troubleshooting Commands
DHCP Troubleshooting Commands
- show ip dhcp bindings - Shows DHCP bindings database on DHCP server
Simple Network Management Protocol
SNMP v2c
Web Cache Communication Protocol (WCCP)
Web Cache Communication Protocol (WCCP)
Trivial File Transfer Protocol