Control Plane Policing
- Used to protect CPU for Denial of Service attacks
- Limits access to the entire control plane as an aggregate as opposed to separate sub-interfaces like CPPr
- Configured using MQC (Modular Quality of Service):
- Access List
- Class Map
- Policy Map
- Service Policy
- Applied on the control-plane interface
- Doesn’t allow the use of:
- NBAR (Network Based Application Recognition)
- Input queueing
Access Lists
- Defines interesting traffic to control
- Can be standard ACL or Extended ACL
- Example:
- Match all traffic except from trusted host using SSH
- Commands:
- (config)#access-list 100 deny tcp host any eq ssh
- (config)#access-list 100 permit ip any any
Class Map
- Matches interesting traffic based on ACL
- Can match on any configured type or all configured types
- Example:
- Match traffic based on access-list 100 or access-list 101
- Commands:
- (config)#class-map match-any traffic-police
- (config-cmap)#match access-group 100
- (config-cmap)#match access-group 101
Policy Map
- Binds different class-maps to actions
- Example:
- On class-map traffic-police, police down to 8kbps and on class-map traffic-drop, drop all the traffic
- Commands:
- (config)#policy-map CPP_POLICY
- (config-pmap)#class traffic-police
- (config-pmap-c)#police 8000
- (config-pmap-c)#exit
- (config-pmap)#class traffic-block
- (config-pmap-c)#drop
Service Policy
- Applies the Policy-map to the control-plane interface
- Example:
- Commands:
- (config)#control-plane
- (config-cp)#service-policy input CPP_POLICY
Control Plane Protection
- Limited to IPv4 input only
- Allows the control of individual control-plane sub-interfaces
- Control-plane host sub-interface
- Handles traffic destined for the devices interfaces
- Loopback or physical interfaces
- Traffic types include:
- Management traffic
- Tunnel termination traffic
- Routing protocols
- Control-plane transit sub-interface
- Handles software switched traffic
- Traffic traversing the device and not directly to the device
- Traffic can include:
- Non-terminating tunnel traffic
- Control-plane cef-exception sub-interface
- Handles all non-IP traffic
- Configured using MQC (Modular Quality of Service):
- Doesn’t support ACLs to match traffic on
- Class Map
- Policy Map
- Service Policy
CPPr Method: Queue Thresholding
Queue Thresholding
- Limits the number of packets a protocol can have at process-level
- Prevents input queue being overwhelmed by a protocol
- Can only be applied to Host sub-interface
- Protocol matching criteria:
- Host protocols - All open ports not specifically matching or configured
CPPr Method: Port Filtering
Port Filtering
- Provides an method of early dropping of packets directed towards non-listening TCP/UDP ports
- Can only be applied to the Host sub-interface
- Maintains a database of all open TCP/UDP ports on device
- Can filter also on opened or application ports e.g. SNMP
- Match Criteria:
- TCP port
- UDP port
- Manual port
- Closed Ports - all closed ports on the device
Class Map
- Match interesting traffic based on NBAR to queue traffic to the control-plane
- Match interesting traffic based on port to filter traffic going to the control-plane
- Example:
- Queue Thresholding Class Map
- Commands:
- (config)#class-map type queue-threshold match-any traffic-management
- (config-cmap)#match protocol ssh
- (config-cmap)#match protocol telnet
- Port Filter Class Map
- Commands:
- (config)#class-map type port-filter match-any traffic-closed
- (config-cmap)#match closed-ports
Policy Map
- Binds different class-maps to actions
- Example:
- Queue Thresholding Policy Map
- Commands:
- (config)#policy-map type queue-threshold QUEUE_POLICY
- (config-pmap)#class traffic-management
- (config-pmap-c)#queue-limit <0-255>
- Port Filter Policy Map
- Commands:
- (config)#policy-map type port-filter FILTER_POLICY
- (config-pmap)#class traffic-closed
- (config-pmap-c)#drop
Service Policy
- Applies the Policy-map to the control-plane interface
- Example:
- Queue thresholding Service Policy
- Commands:
- (config)#control-plane host
- (config-cp-host)#service-policy type queue-threshold input QUEUE_POLICY
- Port Filter Service Policy
- Commands:
- (config)#control-plane host
- (config-cp)#service-policy type port-filter input FILTER_POLICY
Management Interface
Management Interface
- Can provide a dedicated management interface on device
- Handles traffic such as Telnet, SSH, SNMP etc
- All other management traffic will be dropped unless using this dedicated interface
- Commands:
- (config)#control-plane host
- (config-cp-host)#management interface <interface>
Troubleshooting Commands
- #show policy-map control-plane all – Displays the control plane policy-map applied