Category Archive: CCIE

Jan 07

Update 6 – Happy New Year!

Christmas is now over and done with….booo! Had a fantastic 2 weeks off spending it with the family, watching all the films they put on TV over Christmas and generally just eating way too much. The break is now over and its back to studying so thought I would give a quick update while I’m …

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Dec 23

Update 5 – OSPF

With Christmas fast approaching, progress has been a lot slower than it should have been. I wanted to get an update out before Christmas – as I seriously doubt any progress will be made over this period. As I said progress has been really slow lately but I finished BGP labs, identified weak areas, studied …

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OSPF Topic Notes

OSPF Adjacency

Infrastructure Security

Infrastructure Services

VPN Technologies

Layer 2 Technologies

Layer 3 Technologies

BGP Topic Notes

BGP - Neighbor States

Reading List

As you will be aware Cisco have published their ‘Recommended Reading List’ for all candidates wishing to become CCIE certified. The list can be located here: Cisco’s CCIE Reading List This is an extensive list and if reading cover to cover, one you will probably spend a lifetime trying to read. I tend to use …

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