Network Geek

Author's details

Date registered: 19/10/2014

Latest posts

  1. TCL Script: Ping — 22/05/2015
  2. The Written Exam (400-101) – Take One — 08/05/2015
  3. Update 7 — 24/04/2015
  4. Update 6 – Happy New Year! — 07/01/2015
  5. Update 5 – OSPF — 23/12/2014

Author's posts listings

Apr 24

The start of the climb

So I decided a little while a go to take the CCIE R&S exam. Taking the CCIE exam I knew will be a very long, very hard challenge but knew it will be worth it in the end. Obviously had to clear it with my wife first to make sure she was going to be OK …

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Apr 24

Welcome to the Bit Bucket

After starting to write about my journey to get CCIE certified on Evernote, I thought it would be good to write a blog. I thought that this would be good for several reasons: It will give other people thinking of following the same path insight in to my journey It will reinforce my knowledge of …

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