Network Geek

Author's details

Date registered: 19/10/2014

Latest posts

  1. TCL Script: Ping — 22/05/2015
  2. The Written Exam (400-101) – Take One — 08/05/2015
  3. Update 7 — 24/04/2015
  4. Update 6 – Happy New Year! — 07/01/2015
  5. Update 5 – OSPF — 23/12/2014

Author's posts listings

May 22

TCL Script: Ping

TCCL-Script - Ping - 1

  Difficulty Rating:  Practical use case: To see what has connectivity in the network   Scenario: IGP and EGP routing protocols have converged and are stable. You now want to perform end-to-end connectivity testing to check for faults using ping (or traceroute)   Instructions: On each device run the command #show ip alias. This will …

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May 08

The Written Exam (400-101) – Take One

Well I have just got back from the test centre from what was a pretty intense test from Cisco. To skip right to the end…………I failed my first attempt of the CCIE Written exam (400-101). I won’t post my exact results but it wasn’t too far off the pass mark. To say I am not …

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Apr 24

Update 7

Well its been exactly a year since I started the venture of writing about my CCIE journey Its been quite a journey so far with ups and downs. A few things I have picked up along the way; Don’t underestimate the course!! – This is probably the second most important thing. This is a marathon, …

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Jan 07

Update 6 – Happy New Year!

Christmas is now over and done with….booo! Had a fantastic 2 weeks off spending it with the family, watching all the films they put on TV over Christmas and generally just eating way too much. The break is now over and its back to studying so thought I would give a quick update while I’m …

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Dec 23

Update 5 – OSPF

With Christmas fast approaching, progress has been a lot slower than it should have been. I wanted to get an update out before Christmas – as I seriously doubt any progress will be made over this period. As I said progress has been really slow lately but I finished BGP labs, identified weak areas, studied …

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Dec 23

Twas the night before Christmas…….

I thought I would give this little parody a go. I am not a poet by any stretch of the imagination (as you can probably tell) but it was still fun nonetheless.   Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the LAN, Not an application was stirring, even over the WAN. Packets were free-flowing, …

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Sep 29

Update 4

Been quite a while since I actually wrote anything – 4 months I think, so thought I better give an update. My summer has been incredibly busy both socially and studying. Admittedly probably haven’t studied as much as I should have. Generally about 2-3 hours a night for 2-4 nights a week with 4-8 hours …

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May 24

Update 3 – Multicast

Been reading up on multicast this last week. This is a completely new topic to me. I have never come across it before with the exception of Link-Local Multicast being used by routing protocols. The way it was explained, seems simple enough to understand the basics but I get the feeling its considerably more complicated …

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May 07

Update 2 – My first practice lab

Did my first practice lab yesterday. I used a topology from INE as my rack is cabled that way anyway. Carved up the different routing protocols on paper and then began configuring. The first thing I came to realize is that I am very slow at the moment at completing labs, it took me the …

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May 01

Update 1 – Lab upgrade

Just a quick update. My memory arrived for my routers and I finally managed to get round to installing it and testing it with version 15.1 IOS this weekend. So now all good, I have 4 x 1841s in total running IOS 15.1T with 64MB flash cards. Trying to find the time to study is …

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