

Dec 23

Update 5 – OSPF

With Christmas fast approaching, progress has been a lot slower than it should have been. I wanted to get an update out before Christmas – as I seriously doubt any progress will be made over this period.

As I said progress has been really slow lately but I finished BGP labs, identified weak areas, studied more and took the labs again. It was definitely good to see an improvement in my skill rating.

My studying at the moment has gone right down, we seem to just have one social engagement after another at the moment getting close to Christmas. I am spending probably around 4-8 hours a week on studying which is nowhere near enough. However it is Christmas so will do little over Christmas and then start a fresh in the new year again.

I decided to drop MPLS as a topic for the time being as I think this will be quite a large topic and need to dedicate some real time to it, so instead I decided to touch up on my OSPF. I have gone through all the new in-depth material listed in the blueprint and re-read all my old CCNP information and I am currently doing OSPF labs to reinforce what I know. I have also started studying IPSec while still completing the OSPF labs.

I am fairly confident with OSPF and so far most of the completed labs I understand really well, so hopefully it won’t take me long to complete this section.

As you can probably guess I don’t feel I am ready to take the written exam yet so have pushed that back, I am aiming for hopefully the first quarter. There are still a lot of topics I need to cover.

I have also recently just purchased my first 1921 and set that up in my rack to test certain commands that aren’t avail in versions 15.1 and earlier.

I will post another update in the New Year but for the time being Merry Christmas!

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